The bedrooms are:
3 – Southwold

10 – Woodbridge

11 – Alde

Meanwhile at West Lodge Park …
Life doesn’t stand still at West Lodge Park either, with improvements around the hotel including:

The overflow car park received new white lining and the main car park received new tarmac in parts.

Congratulations to…

To :
Chris Hall and team for the award of a Tripadvisor Certificate of Excellence for WLP.
Ashley Beale and team for the award of 5* Scores on the Doors at SAX for food hygiene
(we have the same award already at WLP).
Richard Young, Chris Hall and Emma Beale for sales at WLP to the end of March which broke all records.
Ashley Beale and Chris Hall for excellent Tripadvisor ratings, both hotels currently 4.5/5 or 90% respectively.
To :
the following Simply the Best winners: Alex Howse – Francesca Marcia – Michelle Larner – Brodie Duffy