Owners and Management
Beales Hotels is a long established independent hotel company that goes back to 1769.

The company is owned by the Beale family:

Susan Beale

Andrew Beale (Managing Director)

Philippa Beale

Christopher Beale

Nicholas Beale (Non Executive Chair)

Ashley Beale

Emma Beale

Dominic Beale
The business is run by a professional board:

Andrew Beale (Managing Director)

Nicholas Beale (Non Executive Chair)

Richard Young (Director)
The charitable arm of the company is called the Beale Trust whose trustees include:

Susan Clayton (Chair)

Andrew Beale (Managing Director)

Philippa Beale

Peter Clayton
Currently with one of the highest rated 4 star hotel in the area to the north of London, being the recipient of 80% quality ratings and 1 rosette each from the AA.
Our number one strength is our team, with decades of experience of hotels, catering, functions and projects among the 200+ staff that make up Beales Hotels.
If you are a hotelier seeking an easier lifestyle, a restaurant owner wanting a new look or a fresh menu, a catering company wanting more rigorous accounting procedures or maybe you have a dream to open a hotel, restaurant or pub but are not sure what to look out for, we can help!
All our experience is gained from real life experience with a guarantee of no management waffle or bulky management consultancy reports!
If you need one day of advice for your business, or would like our team to work with you on a project large or small, or would like to leave the day to day running of your hotel or restaurant to us for a month, year or decade, we can help!
We can offer bespoke management services at a very reasonable cost in all of the following areas with the teams drawn from all levels of the business depending on the needs of the project.
If you have any issue to discuss, please do not hesitate to phone (0208 216 3904)in the first instance for an informal discussion.

Our corporate team
Led by Andrew Beale MHCIMA FRGS Managing Director, can help with family businesses, conflict resolution, succession planning, shareholding structures, board issues, remuneration policies, health and safety policy, dividend policy, corporate and social responsibility, environmental and green issues, business planning and strategy, property acquisition, supplier links, freehold/leasehold issues.

Our Sales & Marketing team
Richard Young Director, can assist with branding, printing, brochure design, web design, public relations, advertising, media links, corporate rates, consortia, yield management, late sites, fam trips, internet offers, mailings, databases, exhibitions, banners, tariffs, launches, signage, local food, photography, artwork.

Our Operational management team
Led by Ashley Beale General Manager can assist with wine lists, bar tariffs, staffing levels and rotas, reception issues, AA standards, conference and banqueting management, housekeeping issues, restaurant standards, equipment, special offers, core standards of performance, special event programmes and Christmas events.

Our Kitchen team
Led by Wayne Turner Executive Chef, can assist with menu planning, kitchen hygiene management, local food, seasonal food, food stocktaking, menu costings, AA rosettes