Congratulations to
…Susie Dunnett on becoming West Lodge Park Champion May – August, voted by all the senior staff at the hotel as being the liveliest and most helpful team member, not only in the Cedar Restaurant where she works but across the whole hotel.
…to Joede McGinn on her promotion to Meetings and Events Sales Manager at BH.
…to Tony King and Ian Thompson (photo top right) who between them have worked for a grand total of 70 years at Beales – Tony started at WLP in October 1971, just two months after Ian started at Firs Hall.
…to Edward and Renee Turler, (photo below right with Andrew and Trevor Beale) faithful visitors to West Lodge Park for so many years now, and seen here planting a Malus x Rubrus which in English translates as Red Crab Apple, to commemorate over 400 nights at the hotel and friendship with three generations of Beales.
The Wollemi Pine (Wollemis Nobilis) – the world’s rarest tree, with only 23 adult specimens in the world, has been planted in the Beale Arboretum. This tree comes from the Wollemi National Park in Australia, and was considered extinct since no fossils younger than 90 million years have ever been found. And then, extraordinarily, a national park ranger named David Noble stumbled upon the group of 23 trees deep in a gorge – no human being had ever seen them before. The Beale Arboretum is proud to be one of the first gardens in the UK to have a specimen of this unique tree.
At you can now find several new features:
1) on the WLP Gallery pages, a fully photographed and documented collection of all the Old Master paintings in the hotel – a unique resource and yet another way in which we are resolutely different from the mainstream group hotels.
2) on the about West Lodge Park pages, you can now find a botanical list of all 800+ species of trees in the Beale Arboretum.
3) on the BH conference and banqueting pages, you can now see quite beautiful e-brochures for both Meeting of Minds and Celebrate Together, showing off the hotel as never before with fantastic images, precise detail and wonderful quotes from our past customers.
to Litsa Nicolaou of Safiya Health and Beauty Rooms at WLP
Estates News
At BH we are creating a stunning decked area behind the Buckland Suite while at WLP we are busy with the redecoration of the 2nd and 3rd floor corridors – a big job that will take months.
And Finally… party conference season, a political rant to those in government: stop passing more and more legislation that is impossible to police and hinders the good work respectable businesses like ours are already doing.
Recent examples include: Fire Safety legislation that involves a whole new series of meaningless Fire Risk Assessments, the cancellation of Fire Certificates that have served hoteliers for so long, the introduction of Age discrimination legislation which, in this company with 22 people over 55 and 12 people over 65, is quite useless, and the dismantling of the Accident book procedure, to be replaced with loose bits of paper which inevitably will be lost. Hrrumph!

Andrew Beale
Managing Director