May 2013


To Kendal Wakefield [Reception WLP] for great work with upgrades on the recent Travelzoo offers [pic 1]

To Lee Goodhall [Kitchen WLP] for five superb years at the hotel, pictured here with Tony and Andrew. [pic 2]

To Theo Vlagkas BH Hotel Champion for April.

To Krzyztof Baczek [pic above] WLP Simply the Best for April [pic 3]

In Memoriam

Margaret Thatcher 1925 – 2013 MP for Finchley 1959–1990 and a good friend to West Lodge Park as a local MP for so many years pictured here with Andrew and Dave.

Sales and marketing news

WLP Christmas 2013 is launched – a super new programme of concerts, gala dinner dances, and Christmas week events – something for everyone and bookings are open now online and by phone! [pic 1]

Funerals – new funeral reception brochure 2013/14 is launched – Beales Hotels is a long established family business and ideal for funeral receptions where friends and family can gather and enjoy each other’s company at a sad time. [pic 2]

WLP Hotel brochure – new updated hotel brochure is launched, the only one in the UK with photos of 12 members of the fantastic team featured! [pic top 3]

Look out for May events at WLP such as an Arboretum tour on 8th May, piano concert with David Silkoff on 10th MayGarden Open Day on a revised 19th May, and Murder Mystery on 24th May.

Beales Hotels continue to ride high on Tripadvisor, with WLP in a superb second place out of 124 hotels in Hertfordshire, and Beales Hotel in an excellent ninth place.

Andrew Beale
Managing Director